

Counselling Service


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Counselling Service

Counselling Service (in Office of International Office)

  • Location : Room 212 of CNU International Building (E1-1) TEL) 821- 8823
  • Hours : 14:00 ~ 17:00 pm (Monday through Friday)
  • Appointment : Not necessarily required
  • Regular service : OIA offers counselling service related to academics, school or general matters pertinent to CNU international students. There are two bilingual counselors (English & Chinese) on duty during the office hours. International students are required to visit counseling center once a semester(Counseling center scheduled visiting date and time, then notify through e-mail or contact number)
  • Special service : OIA serves international students with a specialized program such as a career exploration program, visiting career fair.

Korean Learning Service with International Student Support Center

  • Location : Room 211 of CNU International Building (E1-1) TEL) 821- 8822
  • Hours : 10 am ~ 6 pm (Monday through Saturday)
  • Services : As a part of OIA support system, ISSC volunteers provide Korean language classes to international students who want to improve their Korean skills. A student will be matched to a volunteer and class will be conducted mainly on every Saturday and an individual basis. Volunteers serves not only Korean but also various kinds of cultural activity.

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