

Mobile Campus


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Mobile Campus

Mobile Campus http://mobile.cnu.ac.kr/ & IT service

[ On-campus Wi-fi service ]

Mobile On-campus Wireless

Wireless internet can be assessed in some areas of the campus without authorization process. This service covers the areas around College of Social Science, College of Natural Science (Basic Science I & II), College of Agriculture & Life Science, College of Fine Arts, and College of Biological Science & Biotechnology. Simply select "Anyway" or "cnuwireless" when searching for available wireless networks of your mobile device, then open your internet browser.

Mobile Campus Nespot

For more university-wide wireless internet use, KT NESPOT service can be requested as following

  • Apply for Nespot ID at http://nespot.cnu.ac.kr
  • Click "Log-In" (Only those with CNU student ID number or employee ID can apply for the service) after identifying yourself with your name and ID number http://mobile.cnu.ac.kr/nespot

  • Submit requested personal information and apply for Nespot ID

  • Click " ID application completed"

Nespot service area (by the name of college buildings)

Nespot service area
Humanities Economics & Management Law Medicine
Natural Science Engineering Pharmacy Bioscience & Biotechnology
Collaborate Laboratory Cooperation Center for Industry, University and Research Institute Jeongsimhwa International Cultural Center Office of International Affairs
Student Hall 2 Han-nu-ri Hall Main Library Baegma Liberal Arts

How to install Nespot Program http://mobile.cnu.ac.kr/nespot.htm

  • Click "무선랜 접속프로그램 다운로드" menu after logging in to?Nespot home page http://nespot.cnu.ac.kr

  • Download the program compatible with the operating system of your PC

  • Install the downloaded program into the device

  • Double click "KT NESPOT CM" on your pc display window

  • Type in your ID and Password, check "프로파일로 저장 (Save as Profile)", then click "적용 (Apply)“

  • Click "CONNECT" when you see the sign that reads "NESPOT에 접속하실 수 있습니다. 연결버튼을 누르십시오.“

How to register for Nespot MAC ID

Another alternative to using KT NESPOT CM is registering MAC address of wireless lan card.

  • Click " Apply for MAC ID (MAC ID 신청)" menu after logging in to?Nespot homepage http://nespot.cnu.ac.kr

  • Choose "MAC ID " in authorization type and type in MAC address in MAC ID※ Click [MAC ID 조회 안내] for how to find MAC address

  • Click Wireless lan Icon appearing on the right side of the bottom menu bar after approximately 5 minutes

  • Choose " Available Wireless Network (사용할 수 있는 무선 네트워크 보기)" Menu

  • Choose "NESPOT", then "Connect (연결)“

[Internet connection in the dormitory ]

Dormitory room is not wi-fi zone. To be able to use one's own wirless device at the comfort of your room, one needs lan cable and router. Router can be rented at the computer room (located on the first floor of the dormitory bldg. No. 3) between 7-9 pm with one-time deposit payment of 40,000 won. Public areas of the dormitory such as lounge, coffee shop, cafeterias are wi-fi accessible.

How to activate wireless internet connection

  • Click [시작 (Start)]-[제어판 (Control Panel)]-[네트워크연결 (Network Connection)]

  • Double click [로컬 영역(Local Area Connection)], then click [속성 (Property)]

  • Double click [인터넷 프로토콜(TCP/IP) Internet Protocol]

  • Choose [자동으로 IP 주소 받기 (O)] and [자동으로 DNS 서버 주소 받기(R)], then click [확인 (OK)]

  • Activate web browser and connect to internet
  • Reboot your computer and try again in case of connection failure

[ IT Facilities on campus ]

Desktop computers are available for public use at various on-campus locations.

IT Facilities on campus
Building Building Code Location
Dormitory N5-2 Dorm Building No. 3 (9am ? 9pm) BTL Building No. 8 (8am ? 9pm)
Library N1 1st Floor Electronic Information Room (9am ? 5:30 pm)
International Building N1 1st Floor Lounge (9am ? 6pm) 2nd Floor Global Lounge (9am ? 6pm)
Baegma Liberal Arts Building E1-1 3rd Floor
Center for Information &Communication W10 2nd Floor (9am ? 6pm)
Colleges   in most of the College Buildings

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