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[UNESCO] 3rd International Youth Forum on Historical Reconciliation in East Asia
이름 : 최고관리자 | 작성일 : 2014.06.12 11:13 | 조회수 : 5546


Call for Participation<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Only for international applicants


 3rd International Youth Forum on Historical Reconciliation in East Asia

17-21 August 2014 / Seoul Youth Hostel, Seoul, Korea



We have witnessed conflicts due to different views and understandings of the historical past and significant tensions over territorial disputes in East Asia. Needless to say, these conflicts or disputes emerged from or were triggered by excessive nationalism within the countries of East Asia. What is worse, national governments exhibit the tendency to appeal to and often exploit the nationalist views of the public in order to serve their need for increased governing power. In light of this situation, we feel the time has come to make attempts to keep increasing nationalistic sentiments in East Asia in check.

Beginning with the International Forum on History Textbook in the 21st century, jointly organized by the German National Commission for UNESCO in 1997, the Korean National Commission for UNESCO (KNCU) committed itself to the shared understanding of East Asia’s historical past. From 2007 to 2011, KNCU addressed and made efforts to solve the historical conflicts among East Asian countries with the participation of renowned historians from China, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, and Korea. Since then, KNCU has successfully organized the International Youth Forum on Historical Reconciliation with the aim of facilitating youth engagement related to the issue, thereby contributing to peace-building in East Asia.

In 2014, the 3rd forum will elaborate on achievements realized since the last two forums on the one hand, placing a particular emphasis on the interaction, exchange, and cooperation among East Asian countries, while conversely criticizing the excessively nationalistic or state-centric historiography found in each country in East Asia on the other. This is closely related with the idea that “East Asian perspectives” play meaningful roles in overcoming the nationalistic understanding of history and assist in expanding the foundation to consolidate peace in East Asia.



-          To promote historical dialogue among the youth in East Asia and beyond

-          To encourage the youth to share ideas and inspiration on historical issues

-          To enable the youth to mutually understand and collaborate to promote peace at the global, regional, and national levels

Date & Venue

-          17 to 21 August 2014 / Seoul Youth Hostel, Seoul, Korea



-          30 individuals between the ages of 18 and 30

-          Priority will be given to individuals directly involved in historical reconciliation activities in their respective countries.

-          Participants should be proficient in English in order to give presentations and partake in discussions.


Organizer/ Sponsor

-          Korean National Commission for UNESCO (KNCU) / Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea


Main Theme

-          New Understanding of History in East Asia: From the History of Conflicts to the History of Shared Understanding

ü  Sub-theme 1: Political Utilization of History and Deepened Historical Conflicts

ü  Sub-theme 2: Interaction, Exchange, and Cooperation in East Asian History

ü  Sub-theme 3: The Role of Youth for Shared Understanding of History in East Asia


-          Open lectures will be provided by three renowned experts below to make help participants and the general public to outline the themes to be considered during the forum:

ü  Miyajima Hiroshi (Professor, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)

ü  Sin Ju-Baek (Professor, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)

ü  Filomeno V. Aguilar (Professor, Ateneo de Manila University, the Philippines)



-          18 August: Interpretation will be provided simultaneously in Korean and English.

-          19-21 August: English only


Financial Arrangements

-          No participation fees are required. Food, accommodation, and local transportation during the forum will be provided. Please note that each room will be shared by 6-10 participants during the forum.

-          Traveling costs will be borne by individuals. (KNCU is only able to offer a limited number of scholarships to selected candidates from least developed countries or for speakers upon request.)



-          All applicants must complete the Application Form and return it to KNCU by e-mail at history@unesco.or.kr NO LATER THAN 30 June 2014. (KNCU will notify the selected participants regarding its decision by 8 July 2013 via E-mail.)



-          A certificate of attendance will be awarded by KNCU to participants who satisfactorily complete the forum.


Preparatory Work

-          Participants are asked to submit an essay on each sub-theme. Based on the essays, participants will be giving a 5-10 minute presentation on the first day of the forum.

-          Essays must be 700 words or LESS per sub-theme in English and sent via e-mail to history@unesco.or.kr by 4 August 2013. (Detailed information will be provided to selected participants.)

-          The essays should be original, and include discussion of: (1) the current situation and difficulties related to the given theme and (2) suggestions or recommendations from the youth perspectives with regard to the theme.



-          Contact: Sciences Team

Korean National Commission for UNESCO

CPO Box 64, Seoul, Korea

Email: history@unesco.or.kr

Tel: 82-2-6958-4137

Fax: 82-2-6958-4252


IP : 168.188.120.***
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