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2016 GKS for ASEAN countries' SCIence and ENgineering Students
이름 : 최고관리자 | 작성일 : 2016.04.21 13:38 | 조회수 : 3122



2016 GKS for ASEAN countries' SCIence and ENgineering Students


The Korean Government invites outstanding students who are majoring in the fields of science and engineering at the universities and colleges of the 10 ASEAN countries. This training program is designed to provide students with an in-depth academic training in the science and engineering fields and invaluable experience in Korea. This program seeks to nurture future leaders who will contribute to the development of global society and further friendship between Korea and their home country. Students who are interested in this training program are welcome to apply.


1. Title : 2016 GKS for ASEAN countries' SCIence and ENgineering Students


2. Period : July 4th (Monday) ~ August 12th (Friday) 2016 (6 weeks)


3. Number of participants : 24


4. Host organization : National Institute for International Education (NIIED), Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea


5. Eligibility

a. Be a citizen of one of the 10 ASEAN countries*

* Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam

b. Be enrolled in the second to fourth year as an undergraduate student who majors in science or engineering in the university/college located in one of the 10 designated ASEAN countries

c. Be fluent in English

* Priority will be given to the applicants with Korean fluency.

d. Be mentally and physically healthy

e. Have the ability and willingness to adapt to Korean culture and life in Korea


6. Training Institutions and Training Fields


Chungnam National University - Animal and Dairy Science


7. Application


a. Application Offices


Office of International Affairs


Ms. Sujin Lee: cnuint@cnu.ac.kr

Tel.(+82)42-821-7084, Fax.(+82)42-821-5125



b. How to Apply

    - Submit required documents to CNU application office by both email and EMS.

    - If you pass the document screening, you will be invited for an interview from your application office. Interviews will be conducted by either Skype or phone.

c. Application Deadline : May 9th.

* Applications will be processed on the first come first serve basis.


d. Required Documents

① Completed Application Form

② Self Introduction and Research Plan

③ A Letter of Recommendation from an Academic Source

④ A Copy of the Passport Information Page

⑤ Proof of Enrollment from Currently Enrolled University

⑥ Original Sealed Transcript from Currently Enrolled University

* Note : Additional documents may be required from the university you apply to. For documents ①, ② and , you should use the provided template.


8. Benefits

a. NIIED and/or the training institutions will be responsible for round trip air ticket, room and board during the duration of the program, and traveler’s insurance.

b. Participants will be responsible for transportation fare in his/her country, visa fee, etc.


9. Program




Introduction to the overall program

Networking with participants


Specific field of study

Korean language, history and culture

Experiment at the


Conduct specific research projects along with mentoring

from Korean graduate students

Field Trip

Related laboratories, research institutes and/or industrial sites

Cultural or historical sites


Presentation of research results

Awards to the outstanding performances

Formation of Alumni network

※ Specific programs will vary according to the training institution.


10. Others

a. The program will be offered in English.

b. Students will stay in university dormitories (2~3 persons per room, mostly Korean food will be provided).

c. The program staff will be with students during the whole program.

d. All lectures/events for this program will be mandatory. Participation during the weekend may be required.

e. It is desirable that students make efforts to understand Korean language, education, culture and etc. by visiting our website (www.studyinkorea.go.kr) before their arrival in Korea.

f. For further information, please contact one of the application offices in the 5 designated Korean universities.


IP : 168.188.120.***
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