일본 동경학예대학 (Tokyo Gakugei University) 연구장학생 모집 안내
우리대학과 자매대학인 일본 동경학예대학에서 2017년 10월학기부터 수학할 연구장학생 모집을 위해
자매대학 추천을 받고있으니 관심있는 학생은 아래 안내문을 참고하여 1월 6일까지 지원바랍니다.
추천인원 : 1명
지원자격 : 2017년 8월 기준 졸업(예정)자로 일본 동경학예대학 연구장학생 수학을 위한
어학능력(일본어능력 상급)과 수학실력(전공분야)을 지닌자
지원접수 : 지원서(첨부파일 참조)를 2017년 1월 5일까지 국제교류본부 담당자(이수진 821-7084) 방문제출
추후진행 : 우리대학 지원자 중 1명을 선발하여 일본 동경학예대학으로 지원서류 송부
선발기준 : 어학성적 (50%) + 학부성적 (50%)
University Recommendation Japanese Government Scholarship Research Students
(Kenkyu Ryuugakusei) starting in October, 2017.
We are pleased to inform you that the notice has been issued by Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho; MEXT) regarding the scholarship research students of university recommendation. If you have a student to be recommended, we would like you to send application forms to us. As for application forms, we need electric data attached to e-mail as well as original documents by postal mail by January 13th, 2017 without any delay. Please be sure that both paper documents and electronic data (PDF) are needed.
Application forms are attached to the following URL for your downloading.
http://www.u-gakugei.ac.jp/english/student/ →“Research Student”
Please note that each sister university is allowed to recommend only one student. Further, double-application for another university and application for any other programs hosted by Monbukagakusho or JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) are not allowed. Hence, it would be highly appreciated if you could kindly inform the applicants of these points and obtain the understandings from students.
Followings are the points we would like you to pay attention to.
Firstly, we will ask applicants’ consent for personal information in the application forms. After accepting as a scholarship student, his/her personal information like name, nationality, name of host university or faculty, major, duration of study, and what to do after the study etc may be shared with another government’s facilities after finishing the scholarship duration. These facilities only use these information for the exchange student’s projects and allow some others to use them. We cannot accept the student without this consent.
Secondly, we will recommend the applicants to MEXT in line with ‘Intermediary report on strategy to accept foreign students to gain from the advancements of other countries’ as we did the previous year.
For details, please refer to the URL: http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/koutou/ryugaku/1339091.htm (Japanese)
http://www.mext.go.jp/english/topics/1342340.htm (English)
Concerning the coming schedule, the first screening is to be conducted with a document examination as well as an internet based interview. All the applicants are supposed to take an internet based interview with faculty members of TGU during the period from the middle to the end of January 2017. Therefore, please notify the applicant of it and tell them accept the interview without fail.
We will inform you the result of the screening by the middle of February, 2017.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:
International Division, TGU
4-1-1 Nukuiminami-cho Koganei city Tokyo, Japan 184-8501
E-mail: ryuugaku@u-gakugei.ac.jp / Phone: +81-42-329-7763 / Fax: +81-42-329-7765
Thank you very much in advance for your consideration and cooperation.
Sincerely yours,
* In case this email message does not reach the appropriate section,
please forward it to the relevant person in charge. Thank you.
* もし本メールを受け取られた方が、本件のご担当ではない場合には、
<<Announcement message in Japanese below.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
【東京学芸大学HP・研究留学生/MEXT Research Student】
→ http://www.u-gakugei.ac.jp/english/student/
(日本語版参考HP → http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/koutou/ryugaku/1339091.htm
英語版参考HP → http://www.mext.go.jp/english/topics/1342340.htm )を踏まえ,文部科学省へ推薦を行うこととします。
なお,本学で選考の結果については,2017年2月中旬を目途にご担当者宛てにその旨お知らせします。 |