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[미대사관 초청장] Embassy Youth Forum (June 8, 2012, 4:30-6:30 pm) with Prof. Allan Lichtman
이름 : 관리자 | 작성일 : 2012.09.08 10:20 | 조회수 : 7192


[Invitation] U.S. Embassy Seoul Invites You to the Embassy Youth Forum!

Friday, June 8, 2012, 4:30 - 6:00 P.M.
American Center Korea, U.S. Embassy/Public Affairs Section

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미국대사관 공보과 주최 Embassy Youth Forum 참여할 청중(observer) 모집합니다.
6 8 () 열리는 이번 포럼에서는 아메리칸대학 역사학과 앨런 리히트먼 교수님  모시고U.S. Speaker on U.S. Elections”  라는 주제로  이야기 나눌 예정입니다관심있는 대학생/대학원생 분들의 적극적인 참여를 부탁드립니다.

·         Guest Speaker:   Allan Lichtman, Professor, Department of History, American University

·         Moderator:  Lisa K Heller, Deputy Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Embassy Seoul

·         This Month’s Forum Topic:  U.S. Speaker on U.S. Elections

·         Date:     Friday, June 8, 2012, 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.  * Please arrive by 4:00 p.m.

·         Venue:  American Center Korea, Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy Seoul [Map] (용산구 남영동 10번지 소재)

·         [RSVP]  If you would like to attend, please RSVP by email  to AmericanCenterKorea@State.Gov  no later than June 1
[RSVP Email Title]:  6/8 EYF-RSVP (
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Biography:  Allan Lichtman, Professor, Department of History, American University

Allan J. Lichtman received his PhD from Harvard University in 1973 with a specialty in modern American history and quantitative methods. He became an Assistant Professor of History at American University in 1973 and a Full Professor in 1980. He was the recipient of the Scholar/Teacher of the year award for 1992-93. He has published seven books and several hundred popular and scholarly articles. He has lectured in the US and internationally and provided commentary for major US and foreign networks and leading newspapers and magazines across the world. He has been an expert witness in more than 75 civil and voting rights cases. His book, White Protestant Nation: The Rise of the American Conservative Movement was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award in nonfiction. His prediction system, the Keys to the White House, has correctly predicted the outcomes of all US presidential elections since 1984.



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