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Kyushu University Asia in Today's World (Summer School)
이름 : 최고관리자 | 작성일 : 2013.01.03 13:51 | 조회수 : 9388

Kyushu University Asia in Today's World (Summer School)

: 일본 큐슈대학교 여름학교 참가학생 모집




25 JUNE - 8 AUGUST 2013


UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS or GRADUATE STUDENTS enrolled at foreign universities who possess high standards of academic performance (GPA score of 3.2 out of 4.0 or more in principle), are fluent in English (TOEFL score of 550 or more in principle, if you are a non-native speaker) and will continue their studies at their home universities after finishing the ATW program.

Number of Students to be admitted

40 students in maximum


The Asia in Today’s World program provides all the participants with a unique study opportunity by combining Asian Studies courses (ASC) and Japanese Language Course (JLC). Broadening the knowledge and gaining deeper understanding about Japan and neighboring countries through ASC, students will be able to be aware of various sociocultural context of Japanese language. The combination of ASC and JLC contributes to the students’ synthetic understanding of the Japanese language.

To complete the program, students must take at least 3 courses. Courses will be selected according to the student's study plan. Students who complete the program will be awarded a certificate by the President of Kyushu University. (Students must fulfill 85% attendance for each registered course.)


Asian Studies Courses

Courses for 2013

  • Japan and the Asia-Pacific in Modern Times

  • Cross Cultural Relations: Understanding and Dealing with Contexts

  • Politics and Society in Japan at a Turning Point

  • Death in Traditional Japanese Literature in the Asian Context

Study Trips

Several study trips will be held during the program. Each excursion is planned in the expectation that students are able to experience some part of Japanese culture and the Japanese aesthetic sense. The following study trips are planned to be held. Study trips registration form will be sent to successful candidates for the secondary application. Please click each study trip to open a popup window for more information.

    World heritage sites in Hiroshima

    Fee: 25,000 yen
    Farming work experience
    Fee: 2,600 yen
    Japanese traditional culture
    Fee: 500 yen
    (* The study trip fees are subject to change. )


To provide a variety of living circumstances in Japan, three options will be offered to participants: a) an off-campus accommodation (a furnished apartment or a dormitory) for whole period, b) home stay for whole period, or c) a combination of an off-campus accommodation and home stay for the last 2 weeks. An off-campus dormitory and home stay includes half board (breakfast and dinner), while an off-campus apartment dose not offer any meal but each room is equipped with cooking facilities for cooking yourself.

Tuition and Fees

*Fees are subject to change

Tuition fee: 90,800 JPY for taking 3 courses (6 credits) necessary for completing the ATW program.

Estimating costs for participating in ATW

  •  100,000-180,000 JPY for accommodation fee
  •  20,000-30,000 JPY for commuting expenses (by public transportation)
  •  3,000 JPY for a Japanese language text book
  •  12,000 JPY for lunch at a university cafeteria (400yen x 30days)
  •  27,600 JPY for three optional study trips

These costs are merely indicative. Personal expenses and expensese for a round-trip airline ticket are not included in the costs mentioned above. If you live in a furnished apartment, breakfast and dinner cost should be added to this estimating costs.


Kyushu University will offer a scholarship of 120,000 yen, which covers about a half of the ATW participation fees (except expenses for a round-trip airline ticket), to students who have a strong academic record. Scholarship recipients will be selected from the successful candidates based on their academic record, an essay (why you wish to join ATW) and an academic advisor's reference.

Peer Tutors

One-to-one assitance by a peer tutor is offered to ATW students. Peer tutors are Kyushu University students and will look after you and help you settle in by picking you up from the airport, helping you explore Fukuoka city or a festival held during your stay on ATW.

Credit Transfer

Credit and grades that participants received on the ATW program can be forwarded to their home universities at the student's request.

Application Deadline

28 February 2013
Further information about the application procedures.


큐슈대학교에서 진행하는 여름학교 프로그램에 관심있는 학생들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

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